In the 1800's in Europe there were riots by citizens protesting Government intrusion into their lives. The people had been terrified by pamphleteers who were spreading information so scary about government intrusion that Teabag style protests flowed into the streets- resulting in arrests, riots and general hysteria.

What had the British Government intruding into peoples lives- right into their very bathrooms?
It was because of the discovery that Cholera was spread by people drinking and cooking with unsanitary (sewage) water.
Cholera outbreaks killed hundreds of thousands throughout the early 1800's in Europe and the British Government wanted to put a stop to it.
As it turned out, the Water Companies themselves were the secret source of the pamphleteering and resulting hysteria and anti-government protests because to actually have to build the systems to separate sewage water from drinking water would cut into their profits.
This was not the first time that Corporations manipulated and frightened the uneducated (and unwashed) masses into hitting the streets to riot against their own best interests.
And obviously- it's not the last. The people pictured below are probably the descendants of the same Europeans who were protesting clean water on behalf of the Water Companies of the 1800's.
I think we should let them wallow in their own filth. Darwin's Law can be a good thing.
These are 100% REAL.

Dwarvish porn would be right up a tea-baggers alley.

"Remember Descent THE HIGHEST FORM OF Patriotic"
I like the hat. He probably inherited it from great, great, great grandpa- who wore it during the anti-flush-toilet protests of the 1800's.
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